Oct 15 2024

15 Years Anniversary: Thank you to all members

Anniversaries offer a moment to reflect on the past, celebrate achievements, and look toward the future, and this year’s 15th anniversary conference was no exception. Held at the Chamber of Commerce with about 300 guests, the “Leadership: The Past, The Present, and The Future” event brought together industry leaders, key stakeholders, and enthusiastic participants to commemorate the Cluster for Logistics' milestone.

Check out the pictures of the event in the slideshow above.

The conference kicked off with a welcome address by C4L President Carlo Thelen, who highlighted the organization's journey. His speech set the tone for the event, focusing on innovation, growth, and the power of collaboration.

Keynote Speaker Yuriko Backes, Minister of Mobility and Public Works, highlighted the importance of the projects in cooperation with the C4L, like Lean & Green and the Start-up pitch conferences.

The Cluster for Logistics took the opportunity to highlight the future of logistics by awarding the best students of 2023/2024 from the DT Logistics and the LCL Master Program.

  • Svenja Feltz, 3TCGL
  • Jessica Bertrand, 2TCGL
  • Nico Schuster, 1TCGL
  • Carmela Franchitti, 1TCGL
  • Dickon Kirsten Fernandes, Master Student
  • Ilse Berenice Cruz Salas, Master Student

Two panels with logistics experts, moderated by Daniel Kohl and Jil Brimaire, highlighted the past and the future. Théo Weirig, Helmuth Scholz, Jason Breakwell, Clemens Abt, Barbara Chevalier, Richard Forson, Gilles Braquet, and Mario Treinen, presented their views and their expertise and perspectives enriched our understanding and sparked meaningful conversations.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your invaluable contributions to the event. Your presence and participation have made this event a remarkable success.

We also thank to our Sponsors for making this event possible:

  • Venue - Chamber of Commerce,
  • Gold – Cargolux
  • Silver - Arthur Welter Transports, Luxport Group, Molitor, PwC, Trasolux, Wisag.
  • Bronze – Air Cargo Green Capabilities

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